Ride Saturday, May 22

This week’s ride will be to Brickoven Bakery in Northfield and it will start in Rosemount at 08:00. The clockwise route is 53-miles long. During the ride, it should be partly cloudy with temps from about 73 to 81 degrees, so a summer kit is all you’ll need, and the SSW wind will be blowing at 10 to 13 mph.

You’ll want to rotate clockwise on Clayton Ave, so everyone can share in the work against the wind. There isn’t a wide shoulder on Hwy 50 or CR 47, so it’s hard for the whole group to rotate and stay safe. The head winds along CR 47 should help keep everyone together there, but those out front will need to make sure you’re not dropping someone off the back. If your legs are good, go to the front of the group and rotate with the other strong riders, but watch for traffic before dropping back. And, if you’re not feeling strong before you get to Hampton, try to get into the middle of the group where there should be less yo-yoing and a good draft. Keep everyone together until you get back to Hwy 3 at 190th Street, and then anything goes to the end.

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Ride Saturday, April 17

It’s going to be a little colder Saturday morning, so we’ll start our ride a little later, at 09:00. During the ride, we should have mostly cloudy skies with temps from 43 to 51 degrees and north winds at 5 to 8 mph.

A handful of you rode to Saint Paul last Saturday and we’ll repeat that this week, but in the opposite direction. This shorter route will be good for the later start and its elevation changes will give us a good workout. I’m still working to get my strength back after my nasty cold, so a shorter route may be all that I can do this week.

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Ride Saturday, April 3

The wind and cool temps we’ve had this week are leaving, and Saturday is going to be a great day for riding. At 08:00, it’s going to be about 42 degrees and sunny, so we can get started early and still have our afternoon free. We will leave Rosemount at 08:00 and follow a 54-mile route to Edina that we did last July, when there was a heat advisory. We’ll head west through Burnsville and Savage and stop at Hyland Park in Bloomington. Then, we’ll continue on to Edina before returning via Bloomington and Eagan. Although we are heading in the same direction as last Sunday’s ride, we’ll mostly be on different roads and we’ll cross the Minnesota river at different places. At the end of the ride, it should be in the upper 50s with a 5 mph tail wind.

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Ride Sunday, March 28

Scattered rain showers are expected Saturday, so we’ll do a Zwift ride Saturday morning and an outdoor ride Sunday afternoon. The ride Sunday will leave Starbucks in Rosemount at 13:00 (1:00 pm), head to Bloomington, and stop at Hyland Park Reserve, before returning to Rosemount. The weather for the ride Sunday should have a mix of sun and clouds, temps from 49 to 54 degrees and WNW winds at 10 mph.

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Ride Saturday, March 13

We are lucky enough to have another mild and sunny Saturday again this week, and it’ll be warm enough that we can ride in the morning (43 - 53 degrees) and still have our afternoon free. There will be a light to moderate WSW wind, so we’ll leave Rosemount at 09:00 and head north and then west to Prior Lake. This route is 48 miles (76 km), so just a bit longer than last week. Edelweiss Bakery will be open for in-store shopping and pickup. We’ll stop there if it’s not too busy and crowded, otherwise we’ll find a park or something for a short break.

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