Ride Saturday, August 24

The weather forecast for Saturday looks good, with temps from 62 to 72 degrees, and moderate winds (8 – 12 mph) from the southeast, so I suggest the group ride to Cannon Falls, while I’m away this week. Nearly everyone knows the route and you’ll have a good tail wind coming back, so that should make this a good route. You can go clockwise or counter clockwise and, as usual, the ride will leave Rosemount at 08:00.

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Ride Saturday, August 3

The weather is going to be perfect this weekend, so let’s do a longer ride than usual. We’ll follow the 81-mile Red Wing route, which we’ve done a couple of times before at this time of year, so many of you have seen this loop. The ride will start from Rosemount at 08:00 and we will ride to the Lock and Dam in Hastings for a quick stop. We’ll proceed through Prescott, along scenic and hilly Wisconsin Hwy 35 to Red Wing, where we’ll stop at Hanisch Bakery and Coffee Shop. This will be an 81-mile route with about 1,700 feet of climbing, so expect return to Rosemount around 13:00. This is a no-drop ride, so we'll group up at the top of the hills and keep a lower pace than normal, due to the ride length.

For those of you who need to go shorter, you may start at the Lock and Dam in Hastings at 09:00 and join us for the ride to Red Wing; that loop is about 55-miles. Or, you may start from Rosemount and do the 53-mile Revenna Trail route or the 38-mile Hastings route.

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Ride Sunday, July 21

Update (07:00): The forecast says rain is coming today at 07:45, so the ride has been postponed to Sunday at 08:00. We’ll leave Rosemount Sunday at 08:00 and follow our Northfield route counter clockwise. Tom Meyerhoffer told me that there’s road construction on the the way there on CR 23, so we’ll have to detour around it. We’ll stop at Brick Oven Bakery in Northfield and return home.

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Ride Saturday, July 13

This week, the group will ride to Hastings and follow the 53-mile Revenna Trail route. Someone will need to step up an lead the group and decide whether to go clockwise or counter clockwise. Add the route to your bike computer, so you know were to go. There are a couple of places for a nature break, but no bakery stops, so bring food. The weather should be beautiful with a light, 3 to 5 mph wind from the east and temps 71 to 82 degrees.

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Ride Saturday, July 6

This week, we’ll ride north for the first time all year. We will follow the St. Paul Marshall Ave route clockwise and stop for a nature break at a gas station in St. Paul. I’m planning to add a small detour or two to make this ride about 50 miles. The weather forecast predicts cooler temperatures of 67 – 74 degrees with light northeast winds at 5 mph and a 61-degree dewpoint, so it should feel much better than it has been.

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Ride Saturday, June 29

Saturday, we have two ride options for you. You may ride to Cannon Falls, stop at Hi-Quality Bakery for a treat, and then return home. Or, you may add nearly 30 miles and continue on through White Rock, Vasa, Welch, and Miesville where we’ll stop again before returning to Rosemount. The ride will start at 08:00 and the weather forecast for the ride is mixed clouds and sun with temps 76 to 87 degrees and winds SSE at 5 to 7 mph.

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