Ride Sunday, March 31

Let's take advantage of (better) weather forecast for Sunday and ride at 13:00 (1 PM) that afternoon, instead of Saturday. We will follow the Orchard Lake route counter clockwise. The full route is 45 miles, and you can shorten that by ten miles by returning to Rosemount via Hwy 3. We’ll make a pit stop at Orchard Lake, even though the rest rooms will probably be closed.

If the section of trail at the south end of Orchard Lake is still icy, we will follow the alternate route we took last spring. The detour adds a few miles, but we avoid injury on the snow and ice and it will save our shoes. Last year, a few riders braved the ice and at least one told me that he regretted it.

If you’ve paid your membership dues for 2019, thank you. If not, our membership page has the deets on how you can become a member.

The club’s kit order from Garneau was finalized this week and now we have to wait. I ordered four extras of each item, in the most popular sizes (M & L), for new riders. I haven’t asked for an ETA, but I expect about a 6-week wait. I’ve also asked Dan for an update on our sock order, which is coming from another vendor. I’ll share more when I know more.