Ride Saturday, October 16

Fall weather is suddenly upon us. Because it will take a while to warm up, and we aren’t yet acclimated to the cold, we’ll be starting our ride Saturday afternoon at 13:00. The route will be Shakopee counterclockwise, with some changes to shorten it a little and avoid some afternoon traffic. It will be sunny with temps about 55 degrees and west winds at 12 mph.

It’s time for you to participate in our annual Rider-Satisfaction Survey. Representation has been low, and we need you to take two minutes to share your feedback.

For those of you who like hill climbs, an interesting article came across my news feed this week. The hills we die on: Biking 10 of Minneapolis and St. Paul’s most heinous inclines shows a map, photo, and elevation profile for the biggest hills in those cities. We’ve ridden a few of them, including the steepest one.