Ride Saturday, September 8
I'll be your guest ride leader this week while Cory is away. As the forecast calls for light winds out of the S-SE (6-10mph) let's plan to ride the Hastings-Ravenna Trail Loop and enjoy a slight tailwind on the way home. We last did this route on July 14 and it's a nice one that takes in a lovely section through Spring Lake Regional Park. Here's the key info:
Route: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/16066564#
Distance: 58 miles
Departure time: 8:00am sharp
Temperature forecast: 57° at 8:00, 66° at 11:00 - bring your arm and leg warmers!
Stops: nature break around mile 26, Hastings lock and dam at mile 43. Bring food as we will not have a mid-ride stop.
Pacing: usual tempo riding/group up after hills. "Anything Goes" segment starts at left-hander onto CR46 (160th St).
For any questions I can be reached at kautzkm1@gmail.com. See you Saturday!
Mike Kautzky