Ride Saturday, July 1

This week’s ride will follow our route to Shakopee clockwise. On this 61-mile route, we’ll mostly travel roads that we haven’t been on since last year. If needed, you can shorten the route about ten miles, by taking Stagecoach Rd north to State Corridor Refuge Trail to Bloomington Ferry Rd and get back on the route near Hyland Lake Park. We'll stop at Hyland Lake Park.

We should have good weather Saturday morning, with partly cloudy skies, temps from 72 to 82, and light winds from the north.

The Great Scott Bike Ride is Tuesday, July 4th from Prior Lake. It offers 50 and 25-mile routes with rest stops and the proceeds benefit area mountain bike teams (Prior Lake, Shakopee, and New Prague), and it includes a post-ride lunch. You can register now or at the ride. RCC members have ridden this in the past and enjoyed it.