Ride Sunday, August 7
Update Sunday 06:02: Let's ride today leaving Starbucks at 9:00. We'll do our Grey Cloud Island loop clockwise.
Update Saturday 06:42: No ride today. There’s a line of rain coming that should be here in Bloomington around 08:00 and more behind that. We are on the southern edge of the rain, but it looks like it will reach as far south as Northfield. If it looks like we can ride Sunday without getting wet, I’ll update this post about the same time Sunday.
Saturday is looking mostly dry in the morning, while Saturday afternoon and Sunday look worse, so we'll see what evolves. We may have a very rare rain-out weekend. For now, let's plan to ride at 08:00 Saturday. If it's raining lightly, and looking to clear quickly, we may be able to postpone the start an hour and get a ride in before the afternoon showers start. Throughout the morning, the wind should shift from the south to west and then from north, so I think our shorter Bloomington route clockwise may be a good one for Saturday. There are several options for us to shorten or lengthen the route, depending on the weather.