A Clothing Guide for Cyclists

This guide will help you if you’re a new rider and you don't have a closet full of cycling clothing and you don't have experience riding in a wide variety of weather conditions. Or, if you've been riding for a while and want to extend your riding season, this will help you make the leap to improve your clothing choices. I'll explain what cycling clothing, called kit, you should own, so you can get out for a ride in a wide variety of conditions.

Before we get into the clothing specifics, here are a few things you should consider when trying on clothing.

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What to Wear Whatever the Weather

Deciding what to wear while cycling in inclement weather is tricky. It can take a lot of trial and error to get it dialed in, but riding in most conditions is A LOT more comfortable once you know how to dress. It’s a horrible feeling when you went through the painstaking process to figure out what to wear last year, but you wrote nothing down so you spend the first few rides of each season miserable.

I’m here to tell you about a system I’ve honed that could help you out. The picture below is me, sitting in the car after a fat bike ride at -10F, where I was actually TOO HOT on the ride.

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Cold-Weather Clothing

I mentioned this little tip before and thought it worth while to mention again. Most of you drive to our ride on Saturday and you have a complete wardrobe of bike clothes with you. For those of us who ride to Dunn Bros. it can be a guessing game as far as how much to wear without overheating. I have more than once been under-dressed leaving the house only to turn back a mile later for something more. The rule of thumb that will help you is, you should be slightly uncomfortable for the first 3 mi. If you are OK after that then you are dressed just right.